- 1990 - finished Klaipeda K. Donelaitis secondary school. Entered Vilnius University, Law Department.
- 1995 - graduated from Law Department of Vilnius University with a degree in Law.
- 1993 - 1995 – worked as a notary assistant for Klaipeda Notary Bureau No.1.
- 1995 - 1999 – was a notary candidate (assessor).
- 1995 - 2003 – taught Law disciplines at Klaipeda University.
- 1999 – passed the notary qualification examination and was appointed as notary by the Minister of Justice.
- From 1999 until present works as a notary for Klaipeda Notary Bureau No.1. He is also the manager of the Notary Bureau.
- From 2002 - 2006 he was a presidium member of Notary Chamber of the Republic of Lithuania.
- From 2005 - member of the committee of the public competition for occupying the notary’s position.
- From 2006 - 2008 he was the vice-president of Lithuanian Notaries’ Chamber.
- From 2006 - 2014 member of European Affairs Committee (CAE) of Union of International Notarial Union (UINL).
- From 2008 elected to be the president of Lithuanian Notaries’ Chamber.
- From 2009 - 2011 was a member of Mykolas Romeris University’s Council.
- From 2011 information supplier for the World Bank's international research "Doing business".
- Since 2012 – vice-president of the International Institute for Notarial History (IIHN).
- Member of the Supervisory Committee of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania since 2009.
- Since 2013 he has been a member of Klaipeda Council of Commerce, Industry and Crafts.
- Since 2013 he has been a member of a permanent working group coordinating activities for prevention of terrorist financing and money laundering, which is formed by the order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania.
- From 2014 - member of the General Council of the International Union of Latin Notaries (UINL).
- Since 2015 - a permanent contact person for provision of data for the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ).
- From 2017- 2023 member of the International Notarial Cooperation Commission of the International Union of Notaries.
- From 2020 till 2025-02-01 mediator.
- From 2023 - till 2024 Vice-President of The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE).
From 2024 - President of The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE).
- Member of working groups for preparation of laws and other legal acts.
- Co-author of the book "The History of Lithuanian Notariat", R. Paknio publishing company, 2012.
- Co-author of the book "The History of Lithuanian Notariat"Co-author of Chapter XI “Hypothec” to the fourth book of the commentary of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania “Real Rights”, "Justitia", 2013.
- Co-author of magazine "Latvijas Notars", Nr. 2, 2013, Latvia.
- Co-author of the book "Notariate Law", printing house "Druka", 2014.
- Co-author of the book Notes of European Notaries on Comparative Law. European Institute of Research and Notarial Studies I.R.E.N.E.). 2014, Vol. I.
- Co-author of magazine "Notariusz", Nr. 2, 2014, Poland.
- Co-author of magazine "JURYDYČNA GAZETA" , 2014, No.48-49, Ukraine.
- Co-author of magazine “Gnomon” Nr. 184.
- Co-author of magazine "Петербургский нотариус", 2 (14) 2017, Russia.
- Co-author of magazine "", 2017, Slovenia
- Co-author of magazine "Нотаріат України", 4 (27) 2017, Ukraine.
- Co-author of “Law of Succession” (“Paveldejimo teise”), publisher: Versus, 2018.
- Co-author of magazine "BNotK international", 1/2021, Germany.
- Co-author of newspaper „Нотариус», No 3 (3) 2021, Uzbekistan.
- Co-author of magazine "Notary bulletin", 2022, Kazakhstan.
- Co-author of Electronic publication “European minute” of French notariat, Jully 2022, France.
- Interview for the French notariat's electronic publication "European minute", December 2023.
- Interview for Teise.Pro, 23 January 2024.
- Interview for the High Council of the French Notariat General's publication 'Letter i', February 2024, No 69, p. 4.
- Video interview for the High Council of the French Notariat, LinkedIn, 13 February 2024.
- Interview for the French magazine Lexis Nexis, 'Notaries and Real Estate Legal Week', February 2024.
- Interview for the publication of the Spanish Notary Public Association (FEAPEM), INTERNOS, 2024, No 108.
- Interview for the 30th anniversary of the Croatian notariat magazine „Public notary“, 2024, Vol. XXVIII.
- Author and co-author.
Reports read
- 2005-05-04, reports ‘The structure of the notariat in Lithuania’ and ‘Interaction of notaries with registries in the Republic of Lithuania’; International seminar ‘Difficulties of Latin notariat in Eastern Europe countries’; Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 2007-05-30, report ‘Executive inscriptions of the notary: theory and practice’; International conference ‘Bill of exchange: from signing to execution’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2011-05-11, report ‘Problems of determining a person’s legal capacity in notary’s practice’; Conference ‘Problems of determination of a person’s legal capacity’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2011-10-06, report ‘Application of information technologies in the work of the notary of the Republic of Lithuania’; International seminar on application of information technologies; Kazan, Russia.
- 2011-12-09, report ‘Issues and experience of ten-year application of the Civil Code in notarial practice’; Conference ‘Ten years with the Civil Code’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2012-05-11, report ‘The regulation of the notary’s professional activity’; Annual conference and discussion ‘Regulation of professional activities of the legal professions – the bar, the notariat and bailiffs’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2012-05-15, report ‘Application of information technologies in the work of the notary in Lithuania’; International seminar on questions regarding interaction of electronic registries; Smolensk, Russia.
- 2012-06-28, report ‘Application of information technologies in the work of the notary of the Republic of Lithuania’; International scientific-practical conference ‘The notariat of Kazakhstan: status, stages and prospects of development’; Astana, Kazakhstan.
- 2012-09-10, report ‘The role of a notary in the family law of Lithuania’; Baltic Council of Notaries in Tallinn, Estonia.
- 2012-12-01, report ‘The future of the Lithuanian notariat – progress and improvement’; International conference ‘Law. Responsibility. Reliability’, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Law on the Notariat of Republic of Lithuania; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2013-05-22, report ‘General purchase-sale contract law of Europe: the notary’s view’; Conference ‘General purchase-sale contract law of Europe: practical benefits to merchants and consumers’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2013-09-20, report ‘The reform of mortgage and pledge law in Lithuania, its positive impact on the country, society and business’; International conference, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Latvian notariat ‘Ex-post impact assessment of decisions of the Parliaments of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia’; Riga, Latvia.
- 2013-11-08, report ‘Notariat – is a tool ensuring the financial security of the state’; International conference for Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2014-05-09, report ‘Legislative initiatives of the last year focused on increase of transparency level of state finances and strengthening of the role of notaries in assurance of security of state finances’; The 5th legal congress of the Lithuanian Bar Association; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2014-05-15, reports ‘Types of legal regulation with regard to property of spouses in Lithuania’, ‘Legal regulation of artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood in Lithuania’; Astana, Kazakhstan.
- 2014-05-21, report ‘The system of assignment of ownership for real estate of the Republic of Lithuania’; Conference ‘Informatization of justice’; Warsaw, Poland.
- 2014-05-22, report ‘Future of Lithuanian notariat – progress and improvement’; Conference ‘Notarial actions – experiences of Lithuania and Poland’; Wigry, Sejny.
- 2014-09-12/13, reports ‘Ethics of the notary’s professional activities in Lithuania’, ‘Notaries and state registries’, ‘Principles and program of qualification improvement of notaries’; International conference ‘Notaries on the service of modern society’; Tbilisi, Georgia.
- 2014-10-20, report ‘The Lithuanian notariat – it is a bridge between West and East’; International conference ‘10th anniversary of Lithuania in the European Union. Lithuanian notariat – it is a bridge between west and east’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2014-10-31, report ‘The system of professional ethics and qualification improvement in the Republic of Lithuania and the use of information technologies in a notary’s work in the Republic of Lithuania’; Seminar – discussion about challenges and tendencies in development of modern notary system; Yerevan, Armenia.
- 2014-11-28, report ‘The role of a notary in the sphere of corporate law’; Conference ‘Corporate law: status quo, challenges and perspectives’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2014-12-09, report ‘The system of qualification improvement of the notaries’; The International conference ‘Tendencies of strategic development of Latin notariat in Europe. Problems and prospects’; Kyiv, Ukraine.
- 2015-05-15, reports ‘Application of information technologies in the work of notaries of Lithuania’; International conference ‘Tasks and functions of notariat at the current stage of society development’; Minsk, Belarus.
- 2015-08-21, report ‘The system of qualification improvement of the notaries in Lithuania’; International seminar; Almaty, Kazakhstan.
- 2015-09-18, report ‘Legal developments and innovations of Lithuanian notariat’. Meeting of Baltic Council of Notaries; Tallinn, Estonia.
- 2016-04-07, reports ‘Civil liability and lost income insurance of notaries in Lithuania’, ‘Information technologies in a notary’s work in Lithuania’, ‘Application of information technologies in the work of notaries of Lithuania’; Scientific-practical conference ‘The national and international standards of development of notarial profession: tendencies and development perspectives’; Kyiv, Ukraine.
- 2016-06-11, report ‘Notary’s role in guaranteeing the protection of vulnerable persons in transactions’; Conference ‘Social role of notariat’ commemorating the 20th anniversary of the notariat of Georgia; Tbilisi, Georgia.
- 2016-09-15, report ‘Perspectives of the notariat of Lithuania’; Baltic Council of Notaries; Riga, Latvia.
- 2016-12-02, report ‘Actualities of the Lithuanian notariat’; International conference ‘450th anniversary of notarial profession in Lithuania’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2017-03-24, report ‘Notarial functions regarding inheritance procedures in Republic of Lithuania’; Coordination and Methodological Council meeting; Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 2017-06-08, report ‘Grounds ant types of professional liability of a notary. Questions regarding application of civil liability to notaries’; International conference ‘Extrajudicial protection of the rights of individuals and legal entities: The current state and prospects for the development of notarial profession’; Minsk, Belarus.
- 2017-06-09, report ‘Professional ethics of notaries’; Round table discussion; Minsk, Belarus.
- 2017-06-14, report about the principles of the Latin notariat, reform of the notariat in Lithuania, compulsory notarial form of documents and functions of notaries; Round table discussion on the reform of the notariat of Ukraine; Kyiv, Ukraine.
- 2017-09-05, report ‘View of Lithuania on the prospects of notariat of Ukraine’; International conference “Strategy of notariat development in Ukraine as a latin notariat”; Kyiv, Ukraine.
- 2017-12-02, report ‘25th anniversary of notarial reform in Lithuania’; Conference ‘25th anniversary of notarial reform in Lithuania’; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2017-12-13, report ‘Experience of Lithuania in reforming notariat from state-run to Latin type’; Work meeting with the representatives of delegation from Republic of Uzbekistan ‘Modernization, digitalization and self-government of notariat of the Republic of Uzbekistan’; Berlin, Germany.
- 2018-01-27, report about eNotaras system in Lithuania; Round table discussion about the systems of information technologies; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
- 2018-03-04, notice “The State-held Notariat move from state-held to private”; Conference; Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
- 2018-06-01, report ‘Legal regime of property of spouses in Republic of Lithuania’; International practical seminar; Kaliningrad, Russia.
- 2018-08-30, repot ‘The role of notaries of Lithuania in implementing the prevention of legalization of illegally obtained assets’; International Belarus-Germany seminar; Minsk, Belarus.
- 2018-09-07, report ‘The application of information technologies in the work of notaries of Lithuania and preparation of eNotaras system installation’; Conference ‘The strategy of development of the Latin type notariat in Ukraine’; Kyiv, Ukraine.
- 2018-11-07, notice “The State-held Notariat move from state-held to private”; Conference; Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
- 2019-06-14, report “The Basic Principles of the Latin Notariat”; International conference “The Principles of the Latin Notary System and the Digitalisation of the Modern Notary System”; Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
- 2019-07-03, report “The Financial Independence of Notaries, Service Prising Strategies, Supervision of Activities and Disciplinary Liability of Notaries”; Round table discussion; Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
- 2020-10-02, report about the news of Lithuanian notariat; Meeting of Baltic Council of Notaries (remotely); Vilnius, Lietuva.
- 2020-10-07, report “Peculiarities of notarization of family law contracts. Competence of notary regarding marriage and divorce”; International Web-Symposium of European and Asian Notaries (remote); Kiev (Ukraine).
- 2021-03-30, report “Remote notariat in Lithuania, its tools and preservation of the rule of law”; “Verslo žinios” remote annual conference of company law “Teisės PRO”; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2021-04-23, report “Remote notarization of notarial acts: how to maintain the reliability of civil law relations”; II International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring”, round table “Electronic notary – a look into the future”; Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
- 2021-07-26, report “Remote notarial services in Lithuania”; joint seminar (remote) of the UINL CCNI and the Notarial Chamber of Uzbekistan „Digitization and remote services“.
- 2021-09-20, report “Insurance of notaries‘ professional civil liability and loss of income in Lithuania”; joint seminar (remote) of the UINL CCNI and the Notarial Chamber of Azerbaidjan „Notarial liability, liability insurance, warranty funds“.
- 2021-09-30, report “Actualities of the Lithuanian notariate”; Meeting of Baltic Council of Notaries; Tallinn, Estonia.
- 2021-10-11, report “Situation of money laundering prevention in Lithuania”; joint seminar (remote) of the UINL CCNI and the Notarial Chamber of Azerbaidjan „Money laundering prevention in notarial practice“.
- 2021-11-16, report “5 Reasons to Conclude a Marriage Contract”, Webinar of the Law Firm COBALT “Marriage Contract and Its Influence on the Matrimonial Property Regime”.
- 2021-12-10, report “Remote notarization of notarial acts: how to maintain the reliability of civil law relations”; international conference “Notariat today”; Saint-Petersbourg, Russian Federation.
- 2022-06-21, report „Notarial executive inscriptions“; UINL CCNI international conference „Executive inscription. Procedure and enforcement“; Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
- 202-06-22, report “Remote notarization of notarial acts in Lithuania”; International conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of notariat of Kazakhstan”; Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
- 2022-07-25, report “Remote notarization”; Remote international conference of the Chamber of notaries of Uzbekistan „Remote notariat: new opportunities and perspectives“.
- 2022 07 14, reports „Remote notarization of notarial acts“, „Notaries reports on transactions in the context of preventing money laundering“, „Management and storage of archival documents of notaries“; Meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Moldova and of the Chamber of Notaries of Moldova at the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2022 08 17, report „Ethics of professional activities of notaries in Lithuania: regulation and practice“; International conference “ The main aspects of the professional ethics of notaries”, organized by Notaries Chambers of Azerbaidjan, Germany and Lithuania; Baku, Azerbaidjan.
- 2022 08 18, report „Consumer Rights Protection Institute in Lithuania: development, general aspects and specifics of concluding real estate purchase and sale contracts“; International conference, organized by Notaries Chambers of Azerbaidjan, Germany and Lithuania “ Protection of the rights of the acquirer of real estate“; Baku, Azerbaidjan.
- 2022-09-09, report “Actualities of the Lithuanian notariate”; Meeting of Baltic Council of Notaries; Riga, Latvia.
- 2023-02-23, report “New notarial functions ”; “Infolex PRO” conference of law professionals; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2023-02-28, report „Remote notarization of notarial acts“; Remote meeting of the Chamber of Notaries of Kyrgyzstan and of the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries.
- 2023-03-23, report „Remote notarization of notarial acts in eNotary system“; Meeting of representatives of the National Council of the Order of Notaries of Morocco and of the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries; Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 2023-09-15, report „Recent developments of the Lithuanian notariat“; The 25th Anniversary Forum „Latin Notariat of the Republic of Moldova“.
- 2024-04-18, welcome speech; European Conference of Civil Law Notaries; Salzburg, Austria.
- 2024-09-05, welcome speech; 75th anniversary of the Chamber of Notaries of Koblenz; Koblenz, Germany.
2024-09-10, welcome speech; 14th Plenary Meeting of the UINL Asian Affairs Commission; Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
2024-09-13, welcome speech and presentation "Key elements of a strong notariat"; 2024 Conference of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of Notariats of the European Union "Strengthening the Rule of Law and Notariat: Insights from European Union Members and Ukraine"; Vilnius, Lithuania.
2024-09-20, presentation "Actualities of the Lithuanian notariate"; Meeting of Baltic Council of Notaries; Tallinn, Estonia.
- 2024-10-24, welcome speech; Italian Congress of Notaries; Rome, Italy.
- 2024-11-05, welcome speech; CNUE Futurology Forum; Paris, France.
- 2024-12-02, welcome speech; Conference of the Polish Chamber of Notaries dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the authentic instrument of the notary in Poland and the 20th anniversary of the Polish notariat in the European Union; Warsaw, Poland.
- 1980 – finished Raseiniai reg. Nemaksciai secondary school. Entered Kaunas College of Economics, Law course.
- 1982 – finished the Law course at Kaunas College of Economics.
- 1982 - started working for Klaipeda City People’s Court (now called Klaipeda County Court).
- 1983 - entered Vilnius University, Law Department.
- 1989 – graduated from Law Department of Vilnius University with a degree in Law.
- 1990 – started working as a notary for Klaipeda Notary Bureau.
- From 1993 until present works as a notary for Klaipeda Notary Bureau No.1.
- From 2005-2008 she was a member of the Public Relations Commission of the Lithuanian Notary Chamber.
- From year 2006 member of Lithuanian Notaries Chambers certifying commission.
- From year 2020 till 2025-02-01 mediator.
- 1990 - finished Kelme 2nd secondary school. Entered Vilnius University, Law Department.
- 1994 - started working as a notary assistant for Klaipeda Notary Bureau No.1.
- 1995 – graduated from Law Department of Vilnius University with a degree in Law.
- 1995 – started working as an assessor for Klaipeda Notary Bureau No.1.
- 1999 – passed the notary qualification examination and was appointed as notary by the Minister of Justice.
- From 1999 until present works as a notary for Klaipeda Notary Bureau No.1.
- From 2005-2008 he was a member of the Commission for Preparation of Standard Acts of the Lithuanian Notary Chamber.
- From 2020 till 2025-02-01 mediator.
- In 1997 graduated from Klaipeda Vytautas the Great Gymnasium. She has entered Klaipeda University, Natural Sciences Department the same year.
- In 2001 completed the studies in Klaipeda University and acquired the Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism Management.
- In 2001 entered Mykolas Romeris’ University, Law Department. In 2005 completed the studies in Mykolas Romeris University and acquired the Bachelor’s Degree.
- From 2002 up to April 2007, she worked as notary‘s assistant in the Klaipeda City First Notary‘s Office.
- In August 2005, she won the public audition of candidates for notaries (assessors).
- On February 19th 2007, she has won a public contest for notary position in the Klaipeda City Self-Administration.
- From April 2007, she has appointed notary in the Klaipeda City Self-Administration and has began her work in the Klaipeda City First Notary‘s Office.
- From 2020 till 2025-02-01 mediator.